A person wearing a striped top looks out of an airplane window during a flight.

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Your next ticket away is closer than ever with these great flight deals. Find a specific destination or be inspired by available airfares from an airport near you. Join Expedia Rewards now or sign in to start getting points on top of your airline miles. As a member you can also save up to 35% when you add a hotel to your flight.


Find flights that will take you to the most loved places

Showing return flights for:May 24 - May 26


Fascinating museums, important monuments and top sights from White House to National Mall—discover Washington, a historic destination also famous for its art scene.

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Fascinating museums, a bustling port and top sights from TD Garden to New England Aquarium—discover Boston, a historic destination also famous for its sports teams.

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*Prices are "from" prices based on the lowest available fare on the sample travel dates for one adult and will be confirmed prior to any payment being made. The price is not guaranteed until paid in full by cleared funds and your tickets are issued. Fees may apply for checked baggage. There may be an additional fee based on your payment type and flight selected. Total purchase price, inclusive of any applicable fees, is displayed on the flight details page prior to booking confirmation. Blackout dates and other restrictions may apply. Fares may be non-refundable and are not transferable. Name changes may not be permitted.

Offers are subject to availability and may be discontinued without notice. Conditions apply.